Why you should always carry a simple compass

Practically everyone is aware of the wonderful new GPS electronic products available. I say “wonderful” because they truly are. They provide a great sense of security and are incredibly useful when trying to hike through unknown terrain or drive around an unfamiliar city. But electronic devices, especially complex ones, have a terrible habit of dying at the worst possible time. And once they die, they are gone. There is nothing much else other than changing the battery or clicking buttons a few times to try to make them work again. If these two “fixes” don’t work then you are stuck

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A Great Emergency Starter Kit at a Great Price

It is vital to have an emergency kit available to “grab and go”. But often we’ll put off getting it together because there are too many details to think about. That’s why so many people will be completely unprepared when an emergency strikes. These people are not stupid. Just human beings. And human beings procrastinate when things seem overwhelming. The key is to simplify. And a great way to simplify is to get a good starter kit that is complete with a backpack. If you think of extra items you’ll need then you can add them to the pack. But

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U.S. Army Survival Guide for Android

Download this Android app and put the entire U.S. Army survival guide on your phone, offline. Can install on sd card(2.2+). Based on the U.S. Army Survival Manual FM 3-05.70 https://market.android.com/details?id=com.androidtrainer.survive&feature=top-free Chapter 1: Introduction – Survival Actions – Pattern for Survival Chapter 2: PSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL – A Look at Stress – Natural Reactions – Preparing Yourself Chapter 3: SURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITS – Importance of Planning – Survival Kits Chapter 4: BASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINE – Requirements for Maintenance of Health – Medical Emergencies – Lifesaving Steps – Bone and Joint Injury – Bites and Stings – Wounds –

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Why you should make use of diatomaceous earth to fight bed bugs

We all have heard the stories of how bed bugs have made a resurgence in modern cities in the last few years. They are back in full force and resistant to most of the major chemical pesticides approved for use in homes. Diatomaceous earth is a well known dust-type pesticide that has been used for decades. It is effective. In fact, after researching this extensively, I have come to the conclusion that this most inexpensive solution is actually one of the best solutions. Diatomaceous earth comes in two varieties: food-grade and non food grade. Only the food-grade type should be

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How to Protect Yourself from the Heat

Heat can be a killer. Even in a modern city, when temperatures soar during summer heatwaves, you can be killed by heatstroke. It is important to protect yourself. Small children and elderly can be especially vulnerable because they are less able to regulate their internal temperatures. But what if you have to be out in the heat, and you don’t have a cool air conditioned spot? What can you do to protect yourself? First of all, find shade. If you cannot get yourself out of the sun, especially if it is strong midday sun, then make sure you have a

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Why you Need to Think About Insect Control in an Emergency

In an emergency situation, like an earthquake, hurricane or nuclear attack, insect control in the following days and weeks will be a problem. Controlling insects is probably not the most important concern that comes to your mind. Obviously, survivors will need to think about water, food, shelter and, in the case of a nuclear attack, protection from radioactive fallout. All these would be critical needs to address. In addition to these major concerns, though, you need to ensure you can protect yourself from insects that will be opportunistic and multiply rapidly especially in the first few days after a catastrophe

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